Addressing social drivers of health holistically.

Black communities face significant persistent public health challenges rooted in systemic inequity. These disparities manifest in higher rates of chronic diseases, lower life expectancy, and poorer overall health outcomes compared to the general population and require a holistic approach that considers not only physical interventions but also mental, environmental, and socio-emotional factors
for our community that experiences an 18-year life expectancy gap when compared to the wider metropolitan area. Only by addressing the root causes of health disparities do we believe we can create thriving and equitable communities.

Physical Health
RestoreOKC's physical health interventions include enhancing food access through initiatives like The Market at Eastpoint grocery store and partnerships such as Double Up Bucks. The Market at Eastpoint provides a convenient source of healthy food options for the community, and Double Up Bucks enables SNAP (food stamp) purchasers to double their purchasing power for fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. This ensures that healthy food items are accessible to all residents. Furthermore, the community resource room within The Market at Eastpoint offers a range of additional health services, including free dental services, vision screening, reproductive health care, mental health support, Food RX programming and more. These comprehensive interventions address various aspects of physical health and well-being, contributing to the overall flourishing of the community.
The Market at Eastpoint

Mental Health
RestoreOKC's mental health interventions focus on providing comprehensive support and resources to community members. The organization employs peer recovery support specialists who have personal experience with recovery and are trained to provide guidance and support to individuals in the community. These specialists offer case management services, helping individuals navigate challenges and access necessary resources. Additionally, RestoreOKC partners with the EAST Coalition of Oklahoma Department of Mental Health, connecting individuals with mental health counseling services, referrals, and other support. By offering both peer-led support and professional mental health services, RestoreOKC aims to address the diverse needs of individuals seeking mental health support and promote overall mental well-being.

Environmental Health
RestoreOKC's environmental health initiatives focus on creating a more sustainable and resilient community. The organization is actively expanding green spaces, promoting regenerative agriculture through its urban farm, and supplying local, organic foods to The Market at Eastpoint. Additionally, RestoreOKC offers agriculture classes, maintains pollinator gardens, conducts urban heat mapping, and promotes community solar initiatives to help reduce energy costs for low-income households. These efforts contribute to improving air quality, conserving natural resources, and mitigating the impacts of climate change, ultimately enhancing the overall health and well-being of the community.

Spiritual/Emotional Health
RestoreOKC's emotional and spiritual health initiatives aim to provide support and resources for individuals seeking to address their emotional and spiritual well-being. The organization offers peer-support classes, community support groups, and safe spaces where individuals can connect with others and share their experiences. Additionally, RestoreOKC provides more formal community groups and supports such as optional spiritual gatherings or reflection sessions, catering to the diverse spiritual needs of the community. These initiatives foster a sense of belonging, provide emotional support, and promote spiritual growth, ultimately contributing to the overall health and well-being of individuals and the community.