Systemic factors have caused Black communities to face significantly higher rates of public health challenges and chronic disease – lowering life expectancy, and overall health outcomes when compared to the general population. In our community, that means an 18-year discrepancy in life expectancy – requiring investment across all social drivers of health.
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Our neighborhoods are dramatically different than they were 60 years ago. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) and housing segregation caused neighborhoods largely polarized by race & class and resulting in unequal opportunities and outcomes. Restore Schools seeks to place a system of support alongside our schools to make sure staff and students experience the backing of a wide community committed to giving kids a strong foundation.
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A long-history of redlining deepened residential segregation and kept Black and other prospective homebuyers of color from favorable loan terms and new housing developments — contributing to long-term disinvestment in predominantly Black neighborhoods. Restore Residences exists to create affordable housing and free home repairs to allow safe homes for our seniors and neighbors.
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Restore Employment is a supportive employment program that offers employment to more than 80 men and women through one of our social-enterprise businesses. Our ~18-month program focuses on healing as much as it focuses on developing work-readiness skills. Our goal is to see individuals who may have faced incarceration, addiction or child welfare involvement heal from trauma and be able to contribute fully to their family and community while contributing to the overall economic development of the neighborhood.
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